Being Frankie Miranda is based on the true life story of New York Detective Frank Santorsola who assumed an alias identity to break up a mob-run garbage business. This forthcoming work is based on success of his novel series, ‘The Garbage Murders.’
The Garbage Murders comes from the riveting tales of Detective Santorsola and his undercover work to break up a mob-run garbage business. When competing businesses got squeezed out of the business and murder mysteries developed, it was time for law enforcement to step in. His fact-based novels tell a story of what is was like to play the role that would end a deadly crime spree. The success of ‘The Garbage Murders’ spawned two sequels and a fourth book in the series is currently in the making.
Frankie Miranda was the undercover name of this daring detective who put his life on the line. As ‘The Garbarge Murders’ tell the tales of what happened in these harrowing adventures, ‘Being Frank Miranda’ is an inside look at what it was like to play the part. This is a rare, in depth perspective, of what it takes to fight the ground war of justice, and what it was like being Frankie Miranda.