“Terror Hunters” is a fast-paced documentary / drama series detailing the current actual threats facing America today and a team designed to react to it. Over 23 real life threats have been stopped in the US before they happened. If these events had occurred what would it mean to you? How would a terrorist attack affect you? What can you do to prevent it? Learn what it takes to prevent being a victim. From vehicle bombs, water poisoning, rail explosions, and chemical weapons to suicide bombers.
Go behind the scenes to learn techniques and see the high-tech gadgets used to identify threats, how threats are investigated and what you can do to protect yourself. Hear from people who are on the front line of defense, and get a glimpse of what happens in actual cases. Look over the shoulder of Cyber – counter intelligence agents as they go online, creating new identities, portraying themselves as sympathizers and negotiating to buy missiles and other weapons.
Join them on the streets of America as they stop the unthinkable from happening. Realize what you don’t know about protecting yourself and what techniques you can use to stay safe.